Main Loan


This is a long term loan designed for members who want to do major investments.


All our loan products are accessible by all our members, therefore, you need to be a Sacco Member before you apply for any loan product, you also need to duly complete a loan application form.

Qualifications & Features

»One has to be a member of the society for 6 months
»Based on members share deposits x3 
»Applicable for amount between Kshs. 250,000 – 2,000,000 based on basic salary
»Repayment periods – 48 months
»At least 3 guarantors required to guarantee the loan
»1/3 rule of basic salary to apply
»Top up is allowed after repaying 50% of the loan 
»Interest rate at 1.5% per month on reducing balance
»Offset commission charged at 10% of the remaining balance
»Bridging fee of 2% charged on offsets of balances above 50% of issued loan
»Turn around period of 1-2 months is applicable

Reli Sacco - Main Loan Product 2
Reli Sacco - Main Loan Product